Daring Dames

Daring: willing to take risks; audacious, brave and bold.  The pioneer women who came to Strathcona County certainly exhibited these traits.  They spent long hours in the home working, baking, preserving, hand washing, ironing, sewing, and darning while providing family health care.  In addition, they helped clear the land, build homes and till the gardens and fields.

Our current special exhibit explores these tasks as well as the few career opportunities available to pioneer women.  They would work with their husbands as shopkeepers or postmistresses in the local general store.  They may have had the opportunity and courage to strike forth as a telephone operator, teacher or nurse.

Pioneer women also formed clubs and organizations for companionship such as the Fultonvale Goodwill Club, Brookville Busy Bees and Salisbury United Church Women.  Meetings were held monthly and the groups organized social events.  They raised money and provided prizes for school activities and helped people in need.

We owe much to all of these daring women.  Daring Dames is on display until June 30, 2015.

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