History Alive

100 years ago in Strathcona County

Enjoy 12 exhibit vignettes that take you back in time!

Follow Eileen’s story through the Museum’s exhibits to learn about pioneer life in Strathcona County.  Meet Eileen in the Dairy Barn, go with her and Grandpa to deliver grain, see Eileen meet her beau Chris in the General Store and watch them court in the Parlour!   The Train Station features Chris and his family moving West, and Eileen teaches in our One-Room Schoolhouse before becoming a young mother in the Kitchen. 

Enjoy community reminiscences in the Blacksmith Shop, Barbershop and Church.  Then watch RCMP and Firefighters tell how their public service organizations helped form our community. 

Read our January 2012 newsletter for more information about the Museum’s nomination for the Governor General’s 2011 History Award.